P.E.M.F.   Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field


Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields: How They Heal

By William Pawluk, MD, MSc Board Certified Family Physician and Holistic Health Practitioner; Former Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and University of Maryland Dr. Pawluk is the creator of, an authoritative informational source on PEMFs. He has also authored a book, and appeared and consulted for the media, as well as universities conducting research.

Having healthy cells is not a passive process. Active, regular tuning-up of our cells is not only feasible, but also necessary to slow aging and reduce the risk of cell dysfunction. We are, after all, only as healthy as our cells. Imperceptible cell dysfunction that is not corrected early can lead to disease. Fine-tuning can be done daily in only minutes, using pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs). In addition, when there is a known imbalance (when symptoms are present) or there is a known disease or condition, PEMF treatments, used either alone or along with other therapies, can often help cells rebalance dysfunction faster.

Primary benefits of PEMFs:

  • Reduce pain, inflammation, the effects of stress on the body, and platelet adhesion.
  • Improve energy, circulation, blood and tissue oxygenation, sleep quality, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, the uptake of nutrients, cellular detoxification and the ability to regenerate cells.
  • Balance the immune system and stimulate RNA and DNA.
  • Accelerate repair of bone and soft tissue.
  • Relax muscles.

PEMFs have been used extensively for decades for many conditions and medical disciplines, and results can be seen in animals as well as humans. The National Institutes of Health have made PEMFs a priority for research. In fact, many PEMF devices have already been approved by the FDA, some specifically to fuse broken bones, wound healing, pain and tissue swelling, and treat depression. Most therapeutic PEMF devices are considered safe by various standards and organizations.


What are PEMFs and how do they work?

Science teaches us that everything is energy. Energy is always dynamic and, therefore, has a frequency; it changes by the second or minute, for example, at the very least.

All energy is electromagnetic in nature. All atoms, chemicals and cells produce electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Every organ in the body produces it own signature bioelectromagnetic field. Science has proven that our bodies actually project their own magnetic fields and that all 70 trillion cells in the body communicate via electromagnetic frequencies. Nothing happens in the body without an electromagnetic exchange. When the electromagnetic activity of the body ceases, life ceases.

Physics, that is, electromagnetic energy, controls chemistry. This in turn controls tissue function. Disruption of electromagnetic energy in cells causes impaired cell metabolism, whatever the initial cause. This happens anywhere in the disease process.

PEMFs address impaired chemistry and thus the function of cells – which in turn, improves health. PEMFs deliver beneficial, health-enhancing EMFs and frequencies to the cells. Low frequency PEMFs of even the weakest strengths pass right through the body, penetrating every cell, tissue, organ and even bone without being absorbed or altered!  As they pass through, they stimulate most of the electrical and chemical processes in the tissues. Therapeutic PEMFs are specifically designed to positively support cellular energy, resulting in better cellular health and function.

Devices that produce PEMFs vary by a number of important features: frequency, waveform, strength, and types of stimulators. Frequencies can be simple or complex; and high, medium or low. Intensity can also be high, medium or low.

No “one-size” treatment fits all situations. Most PEMF devices help to varying degrees depending on the problem or condition, but selecting the wrong device may produce unsatisfactory results. Since the body is complex, PEMFs are ideal devices to be able get good results without needing a myriad of different treatments.

Aren’t some EMFs bad for you?

They can be. Evidence is mounting that a new form of pollution called “electrosmog” is a very real threat because it is disruptive to cell metabolism. Manmade, unnatural EMFs come from electrical wiring and equipment, for example, power lines, communications towers, computers, TVs, cell phones – everything from the wiring in our homes to fluorescent lighting to microwave ovens, hair dryers, clock radios, electric blankets and more.

Electrosmog EMFs are not designed with the body in mind. They can be a strong inducer of stress in the body and, therefore, drain our energy. Electrosmog includes “dirty” electricity, ground currents, microwaves and radio waves. Microwaves are not only from leaky microwave ovens, but also from cell towers, cell phones and wireless equipment. 

Electrosmog is all around us and can only be partially blocked. One of the best solutions is to take measures to decrease your exposure. With therapeutic PEMFs, one can purposely add beneficial balancing frequencies to the body to decrease the burden of the negative effects of electrosmog.

PEMFs and Magnets: What’s the difference?

PEMFs are frequency-based, applied to either the whole body or parts of the body.  PEMFs may only be needed for short periods of time, while the effects last for many hours, setting in motion cellular and whole-body changes to restore and maintain balance in metabolism and health. The body does not acclimate, or “get used to,” the healthy energy signals of therapeutic PEMFs, even if used for a long time, compared to magnets.

Stationary (or “static”), non-varying, magnetic fields from magnets have fixed strengths. They are used in mattresses, bracelets, knee wraps and the like. Most have very shallow penetration into the body, resulting in a very limited ability to affect deeper tissues, and they rarely treat all the cells of the body simultaneously. Only skilled practitioners may guide you to get the best results from these approaches.


Experience with PEMFs

There are quite a number of PEMF systems available now in the US, for daily in-home use, that can help meet your unique needs. Some are FDA-approved and many more are available over-the counter or from various experienced practitioners. Some whole-body systems have been available in the US for over a decade and have been used in Europe by tens of thousands of people for a wide variety of problems without significant negative effects for over 20 years. One PEMF system has been studied through NIH-supported research at the University of Virginia for Rheumatoid Arthritis. These whole body systems have been used worldwide, not only by health-conscious individuals for health improvement and maintenance, but also by world-class and Olympic athletes for increased endurance, enhanced performance, and faster recovery.


What kind of doctor can help me with PEMFs?

Unfortunately, very few conventional, and even alternative or holistic, doctors know about these devices or this technological area. This is not a subject of mandatory education for doctors. Doctors often learn about these new technologies long after the public does, as has been seen with acupuncture. The process of educating doctors and other non-medical practitioners is growing all the time but will take years. Be patient and look for practitioners who have expertise in the area of PEMF therapies.




Sample Effects

M.I.C.E.  Magnetically Induced Cellular Excercise

Osteoporosis:  “I had a bone density test done shortly after I purchased my PMT 100. The results showed that I was at HIGH risk for bone fractures. My spine is osteoporosis and my hips are osteopenia which is the stage before osteoporosis. Five months later I had another bone density test. The results were amazing... in 5 months... no pharmaceutical drugs and doing nothing different than applying PEMF Therapy every other day... I increased my bone density mass 20% in my spine and 4% in my hips! I LOVE my PMT 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” -Michelle, Indiana.

More Stories



PMT-100 series units are magnetic pulse generators. They are currently in use every day in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia, France and Brazil.

Please note that there are many Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field devices available in the market ranging in price from $250 to $60,000 (USD); although they do provide the benefits of electro-magnetic therapy they are merely toys in comparison to the POWER & EFFECTIVENESS of our units.

About Magnetic Field Strength: Unlike other systems that produce extremely weak magnetic fields, a major advantage of our systems is their enhanced magnetic field strength (about 1,000 times more powerful), which substantially improves treatment results. The systems are completely safe with absolutely no side effects.

Other PEMF systems generate fields that the range is much too weak to provide any significant therapeutic effect. This is because it is a basic principal in physics that a stronger magnetic field will overpower or cancel out a weaker magnetic field. Since the earth’s magnetic field is stronger than the output of these weaker systems so they can provide only minimal, if any real therapeutic effect. Our PEMF units are the most powerful and technologically advanced systems in the world and they're made here in the USA. Use of our PEMF devices by your clients, patients or yourself will open new treatment horizons. Use this exciting New Modality and realize an Additional Revenue Stream.



1) PMT-100
Office/Home Model

Table Top or Floor Stand
Height: 15.9"
Width: 9.5"
Depth: 4.7"
weight: 16.5 lbs
120 vac 2amp • 240 vac 1amp
Gauss: 19,200G per pulse
TESLA: 1.92T per pulse
Frequency: 1Hz to 50Hz

Most popular with Practitioners
CE Models Approved For EU Sales





2) PMT-100P
Portable- Available In Green Or Black Case

Height: 21.7"
Width: 14.1"
Depth: 8.9"
Weight: 23 lbs
120 vac 2amp • 240 vac 1amp
Gauss: 19,200G per pulse
TESLA: 1.92T per pulse
Frequency: 1Hz to 50Hz

Most popular with professional athletes & trainers.












3) PMT-100AT
All Terrain- Available In Green Or Black Case

Height: 40"
Width: 20"
Depth: 9"
Weight: 25 lbs
120 vac 2amp • 240 vac 1amp
Gauss: 19,200G per pulse
TESLA: 1.92T per pulse
Frequency: 1Hz to 50Hz










Scientific Studies

Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy received FDA clearance in 1982 to promote the healing of bone fractures and is in the process of being cleared for many more uses.The two PDF files below provide a summary of Medical Studies regarding the biological effects of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. You will find that the majority of these references support the efficacy of PEMF for a wide range of physical conditions.

Study 1

Study 2


Financing Options

We are pleased to announce new competitive rate financing through several financial institutions we work with.* To be eligible for financing you must be in good credit standing.

You can finance up to a maximum of 60 months. Start the "Power To Repair & Rebuild" now!

If you have any questions concerning financing alternatives or any other aspect of the PMT-100, please, please contact us for a quote or to discuss the several financing alternatives available.

*Financing available for US Residents only.



These devices are no longer available.  We are looking to replace them with a quality unit soon.



PEMF - Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field