Super Fruits




Super Fruits


Super Fruit Juices


Noni - Goji -Mangosteen- Acai


* Acai is on the way



We are sorry to say, but the Genesis Today line of products has been discontinued.

Some of those folks have kept the products alive thankfully.  The people at Gopals have great Juices also. We don't stock this yet, so for now, to get more information and to ORDER, just click the button.  



Noni Fruit Juice

100% Pure wild-grown and wild-harvested Noni juice with nothing added, not even water.

Noni Fruit Information and Facts

Health Benefits of Noni Fruit:

  • Very high in organic minerals, trace minerals, over 160 nutrients and other novel compounds such as Damnacanthal, Scopoletin, Anthraquinones, Acubin, Alazin and Asperuloside*
  • Supports healthy serotonin levels*
  • Supports healthy immune system function*
  • Supports healthy inflammatory processes*
  • Supports healthy energy levels*
  • Supports healthy microbial balance*
  • Supports to detoxify the pathways of the body*
  • Supports healthy blood sugar levels*†
  • Natural digestive bitter




*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

†Healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels that are already within normal range

Goji Fruit

Goji Berry | HerbaZest

Health Benefits of Gogi Fruit:

  • Healthy immune system function*
  • Healthy mood (Known for thousands of years as "The Happy Berry")*
  • Healthy libido*
  • Healthy aging*
  • Healthy energy levels and resistance to fatigue*
  • Healthy blood pressure, cholesterol & homocysteine levels (Supporting all around cardiovascular health)*
  • Healthy endocrine function*
  • Healthy liver function*
  • Healthy eyes*
  • and more...


Goji juice contains the following naturally occurring organic elements:

  • Contains LbGp1,LbGp2,LbGp3,LbGp4,& LbGp5(Lycium Barbarum Glycoconjugate Polysaccharides 1-5) A.K.A. LBPX
  • Rich in naturally occurring Amino acids
  • Contains 21 trace minerals, including germanium, a rarity in foods
  • Contains a full range of naturally occurring carotenoids including Beta-Carotene & Zeaxanthin
  • Contains Vitamin C & B-Vitamins
  • Contains Vitamin E, very rarely found in fruits
  • Contains Solavetivone
  • Contains Betaine, which supports healthy homocysteine levels and healthy liver function*

The five LbGp’s are the most researched compounds found in Goji berries and Goji juice.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Mangosteen Fruit

Health Benefits of Xanthone-rich MANGOSTEEN Fruit:

  • Supports healthy COX enzyme, prostaglandin and histamine levels, thereby assisting healthy inflammatory processes*†

  • Supports healthy human immune system function*†

  • Supports youthful cellular regeneration and healthy aging*†

  • Supports cardiovascular health, by acting as a free radical scavenger*†

  • Extremely high ORAC (oxygen radical absorption capacity) rating, which support cells and their components from damage by oxygen radicals (free radicals), according to

"Mangosteen extract has multiple health benefits. This simple fact is both its greatest asset and its greatest liability. Unfortunately, many people will never try it because of its claims of effects across the full spectrum health concerts. They say, 'No one product can do all that!' But my patients know better...The Mangosteen Works!"

-J. Frederic Templeman, MD,  Author of "Mangosteen, The X-Factor"

Harvest Mangosteen fruit in my homeland - YouTube

The mangosteen fruit (Garcinia mangostana L.) is grown in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, India and several other countries. Most of the scientific research on mangosteen involves about a 1/2 dozen of the 2 dozen known xanthones in this fruit. Most of the xanthones in mangosteen have yet to be researched. Mangosteen has a wide range of benefits.  Most result from its xanthone phytoceuticals/antioxidants. (However, mangosteen also contains: catechins, polyphenols, minerals and vitamins.)

Because the Mangosteen fruit has been used as a folk remedy for several hundred years in Malaysia, Thailand and throughout Southeast Asia, universities around the Pacific Rim have studied this fruit for decades now, confirming the efficacy of this botanical, and exploring why folklore medicine has used this fruit in healing for centuries.  The power of mangosteen is in the anti-oxidants!

Various studies have shown that the phytoceuticals in mangosteen have properties such as those listed below.  Specifically, the xanthones, which is a type of potent antioxidant.

  Properties of mangosteen                   

Some of the studied xanthones









  antioxidants (at least 2 dozen different xanthones are in the mangosteen fruit)


Garcinone A


Garcinone B


Garcinone C



Garcinone D

Garcinone E


At this point almost all studies with mangosteen have been done in a laboratory, and like many wonderful wellness products do date, there is little clinical human research to indicate how mangosteen supplements or mangosteen juice would influence the prevention or therapy of various illnesses. 

Personal note from site owner:  The private research that we and many others have conducted is with our own bodies.  Even tough we are generally very healthy, we have noticed several wonderful improvements.  For example:  Skin eczema disappeared, severe arthritic back pain has disappeared, tumors shrunk in one family member, eye site has improved, and a severe case of acne has improved greatly.  This is all in our family alone.  We invite you research more on the power of xanthones for yourself!


Independent Scientific Research

Study after study point to the extraordinary benefits of the Mangosteen and its rich supply of super-antioxidant xanthones.  Here are few summaries.

As an antioxidant, mangosteen is very high among plants:

  • A new laboratory test known as ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) has also shown that an ounce of mangosteen juice has 20 to 30 times the ability to absorb free radicals than one ounce of most fruits and vegetables. The ORAC test is one of the most accurate ways to measure the ability of antioxidants in a certain substance to absorb free radicals. The higher the ORAC score, the better the food is for the body.

The following quote is related to cancer:

  • "We found that antiproliferative effect of CME [crude methanolic extract] was associated with apoptosis on breast cancer cell line by determinations of morphological changes and oligonucleosomal DNA fragments. In addition, CME at various concentrations and incubation times were also found to inhibit ROS production. These investigations suggested that the methanolic extract from the pericarp [skin] of Garcinia mangostana had strong antiproliferation, potent antioxidation and induction of apoptosis. Thus, it indicates that this substance can show different activities and has potential for cancer chemoprevention which were dose dependent as well as exposure time dependent."  -  "Antiproliferation, antioxidation and induction of apoptosis by Garcinia mangostana (mangosteen) on SKBR3 human breast cancer cell line," by Moongkarndi P, Kosem N, Kaslungka S, Luanratana O, Pongpan N, Neungton N.

Here's is another study:

  • "Our results have shown that one of the xanthone derivatives which could be identified as garcinone E has potent cytotoxic effect (causing cell death) on all HCC (hepatocellular carcinomas) cell lines as well as on other gastric and lung cancer cell lines included in the screen. We suggest that garcinone E may be potentially useful for the treatment of certain types of cancer."  -  "Garcinone E, a Xanthone Derivative, has Potent Cytotoxic Effect Against Hepatocellular Carcinome Cell Lines" by Chi-Kuan Ho, Yu-Ling Huang and Chieh-Chih Chen

Some of the more impressive research on mangosteen involve leukemia:

  • "We examined the effects of six xanthones from the pericarps of mangosteen, Garcinia mangostana, on the cell growth inhibition of human leukemia cell line HL60. All xanthones displayed growth inhibitory effects. Among them, alpha-mangostin showed complete inhibition at 10 microM through the induction of apoptosis." -   "Induction of apoptosis by xanthones from mangosteen in human leukemia cell lines," by Matsumoto K, Akao Y, Kobayashi E, Ohguchi K, Ito T, Tanaka T, Iinuma M, Nozawa Y.


ACAI Berry Juice


Made from the whole Acai Berry, including the Epicarp (the dark purple/black skin), the Mesocarp (the pulpy meat) and the Endocarp (the seed)

Processed through a unique maceration process that has been used for thousands of years by the indigenous people of the Brazilian rainforest and other bordering South American countries

About Acai Fruit Juice:

  • Rich in Macronutrients such as: Proteins (Amino Acids) & Essential Fatty Acids
  • Strong historical use as a nutrient rich food source by the indigenous inhabitants of the Brazilian Rainforest
  • Contains over 3.5 times the Anthocyanin (Cyanidin 3-Glucoside) levels of red wine (per equal volume)
  • Contains naturally occuring plant based Essential Fatty Acids (fatty acid profile similar to olive oil) & Phytosterols which may support healthy cholesterol & blood sugar levels*†
  • Rich in Fiber which supports a healthy gastrointestinal tract(*)
  • Supports healthy joints, healthy inflammatory processes & acts as a powerful free radical scavenger(*)


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

† Healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels that are already within normal range.



Noni, Mangosteen, Acai, Gogi Juices