Advanced Tachyon Technologies


Tachyons: Form of Formless Zero-Point Energy

Tachyon Fields are Amazing Energy Harmonizers... Amazing for EMF Pollution Protection!

According to quantum physics, the material universe is nothing more than a very dense form of energy.   Everything that exists in this universe, from the most subtle, refined realms of energetic structures, to the grossest, densest realms of matter, is aligned in an energy continuum. Energy flows constantly from these highly refined subtle realms... starting from the causal or super causal world as it is referred to in Yoga teachings, and moving down through the astral, etheric, electromagnetic levels, and finally into the material realm of existence.

Everything that exists on Earth exists within its own Energetic Continuum, our bodies being a perfect example. In addition to the material, physical body that we perceive with our senses, we have several other layers of energetic bodies. Through all these layers of energy, an Energetic Continuum flows from the highest, most refined subtle bodies down to the material body. The energy flowing through the Energetic Continuum comes from one source. In India, it is called the Divine Mother. Christianity calls it the Holy Spirit, and in many modern, New Age spiritual teachings it is called Cosmic Energy. Modern physics calls it  Zero-Point Energy.

At this point, it is important to understand that Zero-Point Energy should not be confused with a particular form of energy, such as etheric or astral energy. Zero-Point Energy is formless. It is the source of everything. All realms of the subtle energies are just parts of the Energetic Continuum.

Tachyon Energy is the very first energetic structure that emerges out of non-structured, formless Zero-Point Energy. Just like Zero-Point Energy, Tachyon is not limited to a certain frequency. Tachyon cannot be measured in the hertzian frequency spectrum. It is not a certain type of energy. Rather, it includes all energy potential within itself. Its qualities are much like Zero-Point Energy, varying only in that it is a structured form.



In itself, Tachyon Energy has stored all the potential needed to create a perfect Energetic Continuum in every individualized form we know. Everything that transpires in the human body, for example, is already encoded within Tachyon Energy in perfect form. As outlined by Gabriel Cousens M.D. in his book Spiritual Nutrition, Tachyons, existing just beyond light speed interacts with the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEFs), creating a direct link between beyond-light-speed pure potential and our world of form. Our world of form is held together by SOEFs.

SOEF within SOEF within SOEF 

SOEFs convert Tachyons into the frequency required to maintain balance of the system, or sub-systems, that the SOEF holds together!  SOEFs are either harmonizing or decaying their sub-structure in every moment. Everything has a SOEF!  This creates the equilibrium of the material universe.

From the beginning, life as we know it revolves within SOEFs. The Sperm and Egg each have their own SOEF. When these two SOEFs combine into an evolution of a new SOEF something magical happens. This new SOEF knows everything about the form it is creating: height, eye color, constitution, sex, everything!  And so the process of creating a new human form is instigated. SOEFs are the key to our world of form!  SOEFs convert Tachyon into the frequency of the SOEF’s form or sub-forms.


Energize the SOEF and healing or balance will always follow!

From the energetic balancing perspective, the flow of energy looks like this: 

Using this diagram we see the liver’s SOEF as represented by the green field around the liver. The liver's SOEF when it has access to Tachyons will convert out of the Tachyon potential the exact frequencies required to promote the energetic health of the liver. The Tachyon potential in this picture is represented by the small silver spheres. The frequency the liver SOEF converted out of the Tachyon potential is represented by the squiggly white lines.

This is a natural process of every SOEF. When this whole process is uninterrupted, radiant health and connection to "All That Is" is normal. Unfortunately in our modern world, this natural flow is interrupted by a multitude of events ranging from self-created blocks in the natural flow of energy passing through the Energetic Continuum, to the un-natural depletion and destruction of our healthy SOEFs by EMFs, radiation, pesticides or pollution to name just a few.

The SOEF and Tachyon interaction is the key to radiant health!

David Wagner, Professor of Transformational Science at the University of Integrated Science, California states, "The SOEF knows exactly what frequency it needs. They are Consciousness! They know what form they are holding in place. That is why a liver does not become a pancreas. The liver knows it is your liver, and a part of your whole system. Therefore Tachyon represents the safest, most natural possibility for a system to move back to energetic health and balance. When energetic balance is obtained, the physical body can follow. Therefore we are truly on the brink of a new paradigm in holistic healing."

Think of the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEFs) as the energetic glue of the universe. SOEFs create and maintain the energetic matrix from which all physical forms are made.

Existing just below the speed of light, SOEFs have both form and energy. They can hold, gain, lose, resonate with, act as a transducer, and transmit energy. They are directly responsible for converting Tachyon Energy into the specific frequencies required to evolve, organize, and create perfect form.

In the production of matter, the Zero-Point Field condenses into Tachyon Energy, which is then converted into frequencies by the SOEFs. Tachyon Energy interacts with the SOEFs and the SOEFs absorb the energy needed to energize them... enhancing and strengthening their frequency. Of course, all forms are comprised of different frequencies. The SOEFs convert Tachyon Energy into the particular frequencies needed by that SOEF's particular form.

As described by Professor Wagner and Dr. Gabriel Cousens in their book, "Tachyon Energy: A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing", if the energy of a SOEF is dispersed, the organizing field is disrupted and the living system operates in a less organized way. …This dissipation, which drives the system toward disorganization, can be termed 'entropy.'  In concrete terms, the dissipation of the SOEFs means imperfect cell replication, poorer enzymatic function, decreased capacity for biochemical transmutation, and increased tendency toward chronic disease. When the SOEFs are significantly depleted this translates into aging. 

"…When SOEFs are energized, they develop a more structured and defined organization that better maintains the form and function of the human system. This energizing reverses entropy. It is this property of the SOEFs that reverses the aging process."




A Word from Professor Wagner

Today, due to Professor Wagner's revolutionary discovery, Advanced Tachyon Technologies (ATTI) now has the means to locally provide depleted SOEFs access to Tachyons.    Perfected in 1990 by Professor Wagner, the Tachyonization™ process restructures natural materials at the sub-molecular level creating permanent Tachyon "antennas".  Tachyonized materials, like the ones seen here, have been instrumental in helping people in over 93 countries on their path to finding balance and radiant health!

"A new era is here!  It is being heralded as a new paradigm in holistic healing.  Based on the principles of Albert Einstein with its roots in the fundamentals of quantum physics, Tachyon presents us all with the tools needed to open the doors of transformation.  Science and Spirituality is merging and the outcome will take us deeper into the expansion we are becoming. 

Tachyonized tools are changing lives globally, predictably and silently.  It isn't just the unique forms of tachyon therapy which have been embraced globally, nor is it the movement back towards a vertical enlightened state of being.  But rather It is an emerging acceptance of the possibilities by scientist and spiritual leaders alike. A unity of intentions between the earth and her caretakers.  The time has become ripe to redefine our existence and define that which is important to our hearts.  Letting go of everything which stands as an obstacle to whom we are becoming."  -  David Wagner


Measuring the biological effects of Tachyonized materials

These photos are part of an extensive research study done at the House of Well-Being in Engetried, Germany. The researchers, Herta and Dr. Hansen, objectively wanted to identify the effects of Tachyonized materials on the human energetic system.  As can be seen in Figure K.1., the energetic outline of the hands is weak and in many areas the energy isn't even measurable. These energy deficiency areas of the hands and fingers specifically represent energy deficiencies in the body. 

After each client was measured, Dr. Hansen then administered 10 drops of Tachyonized water sublingually and had the client wear a Tachyonized pendant for a total of 15 minutes. Dr. Hansen then re-measured each client. New measurements captured and made obvious the neg-entropic effects of Tachyon field. The meridians were energetically reconnected, suggesting energetic balance on the physical level. 

Kirlian Photos of Hands

Many others have also performed and corroborated these same findings.


Dr. S.K. Ramesh, Ortho and Trauma Surgeon at Rashid Hospital Dubai, explains that the Tachyon principle is based on the fact that everything that exists on the earth is an Energetic Continuum. Tachyon Energy is the first energetic structure that emerges out of Zero-Point Energy and includes all energies within it.  It is simply the natural catalyst for the body’s self healing process.  Dr. Ramesh has been using Tachyon for years.  “I spent several years studying Tachyon Energy and doing work on it. ... Tachyon Energy is a non-frequency based energy that is remarkable in the area of pain reduction.  Tachyon Energy facilitates healing of the body mind and spirit.” 



A Word About the Tachyonization Process

The Tachyonization process developed by Wagner is 100% patentable; however, after much deliberation, the decision was made to keep the process proprietary.  By patenting something, you give others information on which they can also do it!  (or something very close to it!)  Wagner speculates that this has saved millions of dollars in patent infringement lawsuits. Consequently, it has also assisted in keeping the cost of goods as low as possible.  Accordingly, there is a limit to what can be discussed about the Tachyonization process because it is proprietary.

Many suppliers claimed their products have been Tachyonized™ since the discovery and commercialization of Tachyonized™ products by Advanced Tachyon Technologies International. Genuine materials that have been Tachyonized have demonstrated a range of beneficial properties to biological organisms and processes. However, the market has been saturated with competitors making such claims without any foundation. Accordingly, the inventive process provides a simple and rapid test method to confirm the authenticity of Tachyonized materials.  This test method WAS patented however, by Professor Wagner. ("Proof of the Effects of Tachyonized Materials" are covered under 2010 US Patent # 7,760,357.) 

 Not everyone’s desire for a full understanding of the process will be satisfied. Although we cannot disclose how the Tachyonization process functions, how it does NOT function can be shared. 

The Tachyonization process:

  • Is not a frequency, spin manipulation or transfer
  • Is not a high frequency coil technology
  • Does not use sound
  • Is not a radionics or SE5 transfer
  • Does not use sacred geometry to inform products
  • Does not require prayer or meditation
  • Is not a photon-based technology
  • Does not use crystals or orgone technologies
  • Does not use magnets
  • Is absolutely not operator sensitive

Get Your Tachyon Products Today!

Eliminate the health risks from EMF pollution!
Begin your transformation back to your God given healthy potential!
Improve immune health
Activate natural enzymes
Support natural detoxification
Increased vitamin and mineral absorption
Increase physical stamina and energy
Enhance meditation
Increase brain function
Increase emotional balance
Decrease pain symptoms
Increase well-being and quality of life

 ULTRA Silica Disk

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These wonderful Tachyon products are available to the public through a "Commission Based System".  We can not sell them directly through our site any longer.  If you would like to buy the Tachyon products, it's simple. 

1) Click on the button.  (this takes you to our "tachyon store")
2) browse or use the search box to find the products you want (ie  EMF, disc, jewelry, etc..)  Or see the category list
3) when you see the product you want, click Add to Cart
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Advanced Tachyon Technologies

Our Favorite Tachyon Products...

For a long time Dr. David Wagner, inventor of the tachyonization technology and founder/owner of the company, had been pondering the question "What happens if two tachyon beams collide?"  

What he discovered is that a new phenomenon occurs...   a new field of energy momentarily occursin an ongoing process. In his experiments, he revealed that in pointing two beams of tachyon at each other... what he calls the "neo field" is continually perpetuated. The impact and consequences of the neo-field is still being explored but no practitioners who've been working with these new products want to go back to the earlier versions.  

There is much we do not yet know....but the enhanced power and benefits of the Ultra products is undisputed.  

All of the Ultra disk products affect the physical and non-physical Subtle Organizing energy Fields (SOEF's).  

Tachyonized 4 & 6 inch "Ultra" Silica Disks
The "Ultimate" Tool for Tachyon Healing and EMF Protection!

Studies show that Tachyonized Ultra Silica Disks installed over the circuit breakers of your home or office neutralize the negative effects of EMFs and, at the same time, improve biological functioning. These groundbreaking studies also strongly indicate that when your circuits are protected by Tachyonized Ultra Silica Disks, food prepared with electrical appliances have greater energy.  

Ultra Silica Disks are composed of a special silica dioxide scientifically developed for the high-tech industries. In the event your Ultra Silica Disk breaks, the lamination will hold all the pieces together and the disk will remain completely effective! It is important that you leave the Silica Disk in the lamination.  


Tachyonized Ultra Silica Disks can be used for a variety of things. For EMF protection, use them over your circuit breakers, on computers, refrigerators, televisions, laptops, power strips, etc... Charge your water, herbs, supplements, fruits, vegetables and grains with Ultra Silica Disks, raising the energetic potential. You can even put them in your garden or under planters and watch for healthier plants with an increased yield of vegetables and flowers. Many people use them to get a better night’s sleep and/or to enhance their dreams.  


For use with circuit breakers:

1. Open the door to the circuit breaker box.

2. Use any kind of tape that is appropriate to the surface and adhere the Tachyonized Ultra Silica Disks to the inside of the door.       

3. The Tachyonized Ultra Silica Disks should cover at least 80% of the circuit breakers to ensure your protection.

For use with computers:

It is recommended that you use a Tachyonized Ultra Silica Disk on your computer monitor even if you have Ultra Silica Disks on your breaker box. Simply tape the Ultra Silica Disk with any kind of tape that is appropriate to the surface to the back of the computer monitor.  

For use with your refrigerator:

Place Tachyonized Ultra Silica Disks under the crisper drawers in your refrigerator. By placing them in the crisper drawers, usually located on the bottom of the refrigerator, you are energizing everything above the disks, raising the bioenergetics of all your fruits and vegetables.

For use with your drinking water:

Place a gallon of water on a Tachyonized Ultra Silica Disk and in about 5 hours the water will be charged to its full potential. This charged water is great for drinking and watering plants.

For use with a better nights sleep:

Tape a Tachyonized Ultra Silica Disk with any kind of tape that is appropriate to the surface on the wall or the headboard. It is best placed 6 inches above or below the level of the head so that the energy flows through your energy field rather than the physical body. There have been reports of complete dream recall and more restful sleep patterns while using the disks at night.

For use in the garden:

Put a Tachyonized Ultra Silica Disk in the soil at the beginning of a row. This energizes the soil, producing stronger, healthier plants and increased yield of vegetables or flowers.  


Energy flows out both sides of the Tachyonized Ultra Disks therefore you do not need to worry about which side is up.  


The Tachyonized Ultra Silica Disks are available in 4 inch (10cm) and 6 inch (15cm), and come as singles or in packs of 3.  

One 4-inch Ultra Silica Disk  COST: $65

Set of Three 4-inch Ultra Silica Disks  COST: $187

One 6-inch Ultra Silica Disk  COST: $105

Set of Three 6-inch Ultra Silica Disks  COST: $295



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Tachyonized 35mm "Ultra" Micro Disk
Amazing Tool for Tachyon Healing and EMF Protection!

When a system in a state of disorder is subjected to a focused form of tachyon, the system will move back to a state of balance. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. refers to this effect as the "youthing" process. This phenomenon is also known as the difference between positive and negative entropy. Positive entropy is defined as chaos, disorder, or disease. Negative entropy is balance or order. In the aging process, positive entropy steadily increases. Once the body reaches a particular threshold of positive entropy, it can no longer function and death results. On the other hand, youthing occurs as a result of increased negative entropy. It has been shown that Tachyonized Micro-Disks increase negative entropy, thus promoting balance and harmony in the body. Youthing is a possibility made available by using Tachyonized materials.  

The 35mm Tachyonized Ultra Micro-Disks are made of the same pure silica material as the Ultra Silica Disks and are designed to be worn on the body. When Ultra Micro-Disks are placed on an injury or an unbalanced area they are to be worn as much as possible 24 hours a day. Remove when showering or bathing and then reapply.  

As long as the Tachyonized Ultra Micro-Disk is applied to the body, it will attract energy to the SOEFs {Subtle Organizing Energy Field). The SOEFs convert Tachyon into the exact frequencies needed to restore order. In other words, the SOEFs convert Tachyon into usable biological energy. It is this usable biological energy that allows the body to heal itself.  


1. Injury

An example of treating an inflamed knee:

a. Liberally apply Panther Juice or Ultra Freeze to the knee area and allow to dry completely.

b. Using Cell-Dotts, adhere Ultra Micro-Disks to the most tender points.

c. Use a Knee Hug over the Ultra Micro-Disks. The purpose of this combination is to address key points while keeping the whole area flooded with energy.

d. Take off when showering or bathing and then reapply.  

2. Unbalanced Organs

An example of congested lungs and difficulty breathing:

a. Rub Panther Juice or Ultra Freeze over the whole lung area.

b. Using Cell-Dotts adhere Ultra Micro-Disks to the lung reflex points (under the hollows of the collarbone next to the breastbone) and/or at the top of the scapula towards the spine. These points aid respiratory function.

c. Take off when showering or bathing and then reapply.  

3. Immune System

It is becoming increasingly apparent that immune dysfunction is on the rise, manifesting as anything from simple fatigue to full-blown disease. It is suggested that wearing a Tachyonized Ultra Micro-Disk on the thymus gland and using Tachyonized Water will aid in rejuvenating the immune system and facilitate its return to balance.  

4. Meditation

Thousands of people use Tachyonized Ultra Micro-Disks to enhance their meditation. We continually receive reports about their experiences.  

5. Athletic Performance

Ultra Micro-Disks significantly enhance athletic performance. Athletes who use them report a noticeable decrease in fatigue as well as a definite increase in overall performance.  
6. Chronic Conditions: If you are experiencing a chronic or long-standing problem, it will take more time for the body’s tissues to return to balance. Remember that you need to cover the entire area. Failure to do this, in many cases, will substantially increase the balancing time. There are no set time frames in which this return to balance will occur. Each person is unique, with a unique set of circumstances. Please be patient and gentle with yourself, and allow your body the time it needs to come back into balance.  

Tachyonized Ultra Micro-Disks are currently available in 35mm, as singles or in 3 to a pack.  


Adhere the Tachyonized Ultra Disk directly on the area in need of balancing. Cover the entire area with the appropriate number of Ultra Micro Disks.  


Energy flows out both sides of the Tachyonized Ultra Disks therefore you do not need to worry about which side is facing the body.  

Hypoallergenic Cell-Dotts are included.  

One 35mm Ultra Micro-Disk COST: $47

Set of Three 35mm Ultra Micro-Disks COST: $129


Tachyonized 35mm Micro-Disk  (not Ultra) 

Tachyonized Micro-Disks are made of the same pure silica material as the Silica Disks and are designed to be worn on the body.  When Micro-Disks are placed on an injury or an unbalanced area they are to be worn as much as possible 24 hours a day.  Remove when showering or bathing and then reapply.

When a system in a state of disorder is subjected to a focused form of Tachyon the system will move back to a state of balance. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. refers to this effect as the "youthing" process. This phenomenon is also known as the difference between positive and negative entropy. Positive entropy is defined as chaos, disorder, or disease. Negative entropy is balance or order. In the aging process, positive entropy steadily increases. Once the body reaches a particular threshold of positive entropy, it can no longer function and death results. On the other hand, youthing occurs as a result of increased negative entropy. It has been shown that Tachyonized Micro-Disks increase negative entropy, thus promoting balance and harmony in the body. Youthing is a possibility made available by using Tachyonized materials.


Micro-Disks are extremely effective directional antennae for attracting energy to a specific area. These Micro-Disks are designed to be worn on the body, and perform the same functions as the Tachyonized Energy Cells.

When the Micro-Disks are placed on an injury or unbalanced area they should be left on that area until all symptoms are gone, plus an additional two to three days. As long as the Tachyonized Micro-Disk is applied to the body, it will attract energy to the SOEFs. The SOEFs convert Tachyon into the exact frequencies needed to restore order. In other words, the SOEFs convert Tachyon into usable biological energy. It is this usable biological energy that allows the body to heal itself.


1. Injury - Remember, the sooner you place Tachyonized tools on an injury the sooner the body will heal.  An example of treating an inflamed knee:

a. Liberally apply Panther Juice or Ultra-Freeze to the knee area and allow to dry completely.
b. Using Cell-Dotts, adhere Micro-Disks/Energy Cells to the most tender points. You may choose to place the Micro-Disks/Energy Cells directly opposite each other. This is called bouncing and it allows the energy from each Micro-Disk/Energy Cell to bounce off to the other, thus flooding the surrounding tissue with more Tachyon.
c. Use a Knee Hug over the Micro-Disks/Energy Cells. The purpose of this combination is to address key points while keeping the whole area flooded with life-force.
d. Take off when showering or bathing and then reapply.
e. It is always recommended to leave the Micro-Disks/Energy Cells in place for two or three days after the symptoms have cleared. If the body has not completely healed, the symptoms will recur. In this case reapply the Tachyonized tools.

Tachyonized Spirulina, Silica Gel, and OS-1 Anti-Inflammatory Remedy are also beneficial.

2. Unbalanced Organ
An example of congested lungs and difficulty breathing:
a. Rub Panther Juice or Ultra-Freeze over the whole lung area.
b. Using Cell-Dotts adhere Micro-Disks/Energy Cells to the lung reflex points (under the hollows of the collarbone next to the breastbone) and/or at the top of the scapula towards the spine. These points aid respiratory function.
c. Take off when showering or bathing and then reapply.
d. It is always recommended to leave the Micro-Disks/Energy Cells in place for two or three days after the symptoms have cleared. If the body has not completely healed, the symptoms will recur. In this case reapply the Tachyonized tools.

Tachyonized Water, Blue-Green Algae, Silica Gel, and OS-8 Bronchial Asthma Remedy are also beneficial.

3. Immune System
It is becoming increasingly apparent that immune dysfunction is on the rise, manifesting as anything from simple fatigue to full-blown disease. It is suggested that wearing a Tachyonized Micro-Disk/Energy Cell on the thymus gland and using Tachyonized Water will aid in rejuvenating the immune system and facilitate its return to balance. For an adult the suggested size is 15mm to 24mm. A child, depending upon their size, will use an 8mm to 15mm Micro-Disk/Energy Cell.

Tachyonized Blue-Green Algae, Spirulina, Silica Gel, and OS-20 Immune System Tonic are also beneficial.

4. Meditation
Thousands of people use Tachyonized Micro-Disks/Energy Cells to enhance their meditation. We continually receive reports about their experiences. Most use a Tachyonized Velcro Headband which has a pocket to hold the Micro-Disks/Energy Cells at the level of the 3rd eye.

Tachyonized Blue-Green Algae and Silica Gel are beneficial.

5. Athletic Performance
Micro-Disks/Energy Cells significantly enhance athletic performance. Athletes who use them report a noticeable decrease in fatigue as well as a definite increase in overall performance.

Tachyonized Water, Spirulina, Silica Gel, Shoe Inserts, Wristbands, and the Vitalizer-II are beneficial.

*Chronic Conditions: If you are experiencing a chronic or long- standing problem, it will take more time for the body’s tissues to return to balance. Remember that you need to cover the entire area. Failure to do this, in many cases, will substantially increase the balancing time. There are no set time frames in which this return to balance will occur. Each person is unique, with a unique set of circumstances. Please be patient and gentle with yourself, and allow your body the time it needs to come back into balance.


Tachyonized Micro-Disks are available in 15mm, 28mm and 35mm, as singles or in 3 to a pack.

Energy flows out just ONE side of the Tachyonized Micro Disks therefore you need make sure you have the correct side is facing the body.  (They are marked.)


One 35mm Micro-Disk COST: $33

Set of Three 35mm Micro-Disks COST: $85


Tachyonized Ultra Liberty Belt  

Amazing Tool for Tachyon Healing and EMF Protection!

The Liberty Belt is powered by a set of three Tachyonized™ 4-inch Ultra Disks™ creating one of the most influential tools ever developed for personal wellness.  These Ultra Disks are only intended for use in the Belt. The neoprene belt has been designed for maximum comfort, and is easily worn day and night.  We invite you to discover all of the uses for the two “perfect pockets” built into the waistbands.  


The Liberty is especially beneficial for painful backs and abdominal imbalances. Healers particularly enjoy wearing the Liberty during sessions to increase their own energy and the effectiveness of their treatments. It can be used on clients as a "Third Hand" on the back, abdomen and other large areas. The Liberty also can be used in the car, on chairs, wheelchairs, and beds. Athletes enjoy the extra energy during their workouts, enhancing both endurance and performance. The Liberty is a versatile and potent tool, so experiment.  

SIZE: The Liberty Belt fits waists up to 44 inches (112 cm). The belt is not Tachyonized. An extension is available as well to increase the length.  

DIRECTIONS: Do not remove Tachyonized Ultra Disks from plastic.  It is very important that the Ultra Disks cover the area you’re treating.  

CARE: Hand wash with mild soap. Hang to dry (do not use in washer or dryer).  

Ultra Liberty Belt  COST: $195

Tachyonized Ultra Cocoon  


This is considered to be one of the most valuable tachyon tools ever developed!  The Ultra Meditation Mask and the Ultra Disks affect both physical and non-physical Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEFs). The Ultra Cocoon surrounds you in a 3- dimensional, life-balancing sea of Tachyon. The new Ultra Disks and Ultra Meditation Mask are powerful new additions that complete this comprehensive personal and transformational system.

The Ultra Cocoon is fast becoming one of the most popular products because of its profound effect on the whole being.  


For those who are serious about their personal transformation. This experience promotes integration of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy bodies, leading to calm, and centered clarity!  It not only feels great, it will also enhance any healing process that needs to take place at any level of your being.  

The Tachyonized Ultra Cocoon contains:

  • 4 Tachyonized Ultra Silica Disks
  • 2 Tachyonized Cocoon Strips, consisting of Aero-Fiber encased in cotton strips with Velcro fasteners on the ends for easy connection. Each strip is six feet long, combining to form a twelve foot vertical loop around the head and torso.
  • 1 Tachyonized Ultra Meditation Mask
  • 2 cotton foot covers, which hold a Tachyonized Ultra Silica Disk over the bottom of each foot. (The foot covers are not Tachyonized.)
  • The Cocoon comes in a really nice canvas bag complete with a carrying strap and an ATTI logo.  

Together, these items encourage experiences that are truly beyond words!  

1.  Link one end of the Tachyonized Cocoon Strip to the end of the other strip.  You should now have one long 12’ strip.  Lay this out, beige side up, on a bed, massage table, sofa or floor, wherever you will be most comfortable.  Situate yourself so that when you lie down the strip vertically runs the length of your spine, with one leg on either side of the strip.  Make sure that your body is positioned in the middle of the strip so that you can easily fasten the ends of the strips as instructed in step five.  

2. Place one Tachyonized Ultra Disk in each foot pocket. Then place one pocket on each foot with the Ultra Disks positioned on the soles of the feet.  

3. Place the other two Tachyonized Ultra Disks by your sides where your hands will be resting.

SPECIAL NOTE: Energy flows out both sides of the Tachyonized Ultra Disks therefore you do not need to worry about which side is facing the body.  

4. Place the Tachyonized Ultra Meditation Mask over your eyes and adjust the straps for a comfortable fit.  Slide the Ultra Mask up onto your forehead so you can see for the final steps.  

5. While sitting up pick up the end of the strip that is between your legs and while holding the end of the strip lay down.  Now bring the other end of the strip over your head and fasten the ends together so that the strip runs the length of your head and torso.  The strip should not be tight upon your face or constrict your breathing.  

6. Slide the Ultra Mask back over your eyes and make any adjustments necessary to retain a comfortable fit.  Now place your hands by your sides onto the Ultra Disks and Relax.  

7. When your ride is over, disassemble the system, rise slowly and give yourself time to enjoy.  

Cocoon Strips, Meditation Mask and foot pocket care:  Hand wash with mild soap. Hang to dry (do not use in washer or dryer).  

Ultra Disks care:  Use a damp sponge or washcloth to wipe clean. Do not use in washer or dryer.  

Tachyon Ultra Cocoon  COST:  $599

Tachyonized Ultra Vintage Pendant 
5G-Power Pick Link. The Vintage Pendant is Ultra Disk Strong, Ultra Protection! Functions at a different level when compared to the Mini-V pendant. The Vintage Pendant, with its encased larger Ultra discs, expands and charges the central system horizontally. The wearer may come to feel the expansion quicker than with other 5G Tachyon pendants. The Tachyonized Ultra Vintage is a powerful Neo-Field generating pendant. An effective 5G personal protection device. Attractive as it is useful, the Vintage helps to both increase vitality and protect the wearer from EMFs and as part of a preventative 5G health practice. Wear the pendant every day to benefit from the new 24mm Ultra Disk’s effects.
Benefits:   One of the only tools in the world designed to not only increase the wearer's vitality but to be used as part of preventive 5G health solution to also protect them from the harmful effects of 5G and EMFs as well. In instances where someone is out of balance due to illness or injury, the Vintage can help stabilize and restore imbalance, emitting positive, life enhancing energy as needed.
Uses:   Enjoy wearing it as it increases health and vitality. Wear whenever possible, as part of a proactive personal tool kit in the the 5G world.
Size:  New 30mm (1-3/16 inch) outside diameter with a 24mm (15/16 inch) Ultra Disk inside. 6.38mm (1/4") thick, and 15g (0.53 oz) weight.
Designs and Colors:   The Vintage Pendants come in a variety of designs and accent colors which are visible within the design openings. The exterior of the Vintage Pendant is stainless steel, and a free chain is included.

Vintage Pendant  COST:  $70!



Cell Phone Adhesive Micro Disks

Amazing Tool for EMF and Radiation Protection!

Cell phone radiation bombarding your brain is not good.  The Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disks transform the disruptive wave patterns of harmful EMFs into a coherent field protecting the user.  Use on any type of phone including mobile, cordless or a regular home phone. Also great for small electronics such as Game Boys, IPods, CD players, Palm Pilots, etc...

For those of you with iPhones (particularly the 4 and 4S) the increased radiation from multiple frequencies of smart phones (EMFs of the phone itself, connecting to the carrier, connecting to WiFi, etc.) adding an extra disk is a good idea.


The Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk transforms the disruptive wave patterns of harmful EMFs into a coherent field protecting the user.


You can use the Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disks on any type of phone including mobile, cordless or a regular home phone. They are also great to use on small electronic devices such as iPads, iPods, tablets, CD players or other hand held devices.


The Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk is available in singles, 3 pack or a family pack which contains 5 Phone Micro-Disks.


The Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk comes attached to a double-sided adhesive glue dot. Simply peel off the paper backing, exposing the side that says "Energy flows from this side". Place this energy side over the clean, dry surface of the phone's battery compartment.

Do not touch the surface of the glue dot as the glue will come off on your fingers and the dot will be unusable. If you are adhering a new glue dot to a Phone Micro-Disk peel the paper backing off one side and place the exposed glue on the side of the Phone Micro-Disk that says "Energy flows from this side". Peel off the remaining paper, exposing the side that says "Energy flows from this side". Place the energy side of the Phone Micro-Disk over the clean, dry surface of the phone's battery compartment.

Can be placed inside or outside of phone.


One 24 mm Cell Phone Micro Disk COST: $25

Family Pack (5) 24 mm Cell Phone Disks COST: $100



Tachyonized Energy Cube

Amazing EMF Protection!

ACTION:  This fascinating device is perfect for traveling, as it will protect you from those pesky electrical appliances while you are on the go. Just snap the Cube onto any electrical cord, and the Cube’s two Tachyonized Energy Cells will restructure the chaotic EMFs, creating a harmonious, coherent field of energy.

POTENTIAL USES:  The Tachyonized Cube is perfect for ANY device with a power cords, such as laptop computers, stereos, hair dryers, fans, lamps, TV, printers, space heaters, refrigerators, juicers, mixers, blenders, food processors, microwaves, food mills, etc, etc...  Carry one with you while traveling and place it on the power cord of the television and/or mini- refrigerator in your hotel room. You can also use the Tachyonized Cube to protect yourself from the EMFs in your car. Simply snap it onto your car’s positive battery cable.


The Cube measures 1" x 1 1/4" (2.5cm x 3.1cm


One (1) Tachyonized EMF Cube  COST: $25





The above products are just some of our favorites.  There is an entire line of Tachyonized supplements, sport wraps, herbs, other amazing Tachyon healing products available to you!

Another of our favorite product is the water!

Tachyonized Water - Key To Radiant Health!

Tachyonized Water charges the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEFs) of every cell in your body. It bypasses the blood-brain barrier, and transforms your whole being into a super conductor. It energizes disrupted SOEFs and allows blockages to dissipate. Removing blockages in your energetic system is one of the keys to radiant health and longevity. The increased bioenergetics allows your body to begin a physical and emotional detoxification and as your body clears, it begins to return to its natural state of balance.




 ULTRA Silica Disk

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These wonderful Tachyon products are available to the public through a "Commission Based System".  We can not sell them directly through our site any longer.  If you would like to buy the Tachyon products, it's simple. 

1) Click on the button.  (this takes you to our "tachyon store")
2) browse or use the search box to find the products you want (ie  EMF, disc, jewelry, etc..)  Or see the category list
3) when you see the product you want, click Add to Cart
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Advanced Tachyon Technologies