1. Interview with Dr. Eckel was published by Schwabischen
Post 12-07-06. Find this interview at www.heseproject.org. See
"The Cell Nucleus is Mutating."
2. "Neurological Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic
Radiation," a paper presented by Dr. Lai to the Mobile Phones
and Health Symposium, October 25-28, 1998, University of Vienna.
Also "DNA Damage and Cell Phone Radiation," www.rfsafe.com,
3. Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age, Dr.
George Carlo and Martin Schram, Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2001,
4. "Mobile Telecommunications and Health"Summary of the
ECOLOG study for T-Mobile, 2000," Find this summary at
5. "Cell Phone Radiation Harms DNA, Study Claims," (Reuters)
MSNBC, 12-04-04. Also "Mobile Phone Radiation Harms DNA," R.
Moss, CPR News Bureau, 10-16-06.
6. "RF-Induced DNA Breaks Reported in China," Microwave
News, 09-29-05. This report comes from the Zhejiang University
School of Medicine.
7. "2.45 GHz radiofrequency fields alter gene expression in
cultured human cells," Lee S. et al, Department of Medicine,
University of Chicago, PubMed 16107253.
8. "Health Social Services and Housing Sub-Panel Telephone
Mast Review," a public discussion by Dr. George Carlo, 2-26-07.
Find this excellent dissertation at www. safewireless.org.
9. Few Americans know that cell phones have never been
safety tested thanks to the FDA, which exempted cell phones from
pre-market testing based on a "low power exclusion" rule.
10. "The American Cancer Society is Misleading the Public,"
Dr. George Carlo, 8-5-07. Find this statement at
11. "Long-Term Mobile Phone Use Raises Brain Tumor Risk:
Study," Reuters, 03-31-06. This research was conducted by the
Swedish National Institute for Working Life whose scientists
studied 905 people with malignant brain tumors to confirm a 240%
increased risk of brain tumors after heavy mobile phone use.
12. "Cancer in Radar Technicians Exposed to RF/Microwave
Radiation: Sentinel Episodes," Richter E. et al, Int. J. Occup
Environ Health 6 (3):187-193, 2000.
13. "FCC Lives Large off Lobbyist Bribes," Capitol Hill
Blue, 05-22-03, capitolhillblue.com.
14. "Health Social Services and Housing Sub-Panel Telephone
Mast Review," public discussion by Dr. George Carlo, 2-26-07.
Find this excellent dissertation at www. safewireless.org.
15. See <http://www.c-a-r-e.org/>www.c-a-r-e.org for
information about groups affected by Lookout Mountain broadcast
16. For an excellent chart comparing biological effects at
power density levels and a list of international exposure
standards, go to: "Radio Wave Packet," Arthur Firstenberg,
Cellular Phone Task Force, Sept 2001; also find this power
density list at: "Analysis of Health and Environmental Effects
of Proposed San Francisco Earthlink WiFi Network, Magda Havas,
Ph.D, Trent University, May 2007.
17. Quote from letter by Norbert Hankin, chief environmental
scientist with EPA's Radiation Protection Division. This letter
was received by EMR Network 7-16-02 and can be found at
18. "Supreme Court Rebuffs Challenge to U.S. Tower Policy,"
Microwave News, Jan./Feb 2001; also EMR Network Petition For
Inquiry To Consider Amendment of Parts 1 and 2 of the FCC's
Rules Concerning the Environmental Effects of Radiofrequency
Radiation, September 25, 2001. See also FCC order to deny
application for review filed by the EMR Network, adopted July
28, 2003. These documents found at www.emrnetwork.org.
19. Hicks, Onnink, Barber, Pennington v. Horvath
Communications, Cause No.71C01-0107-CP St. Joseph Circuit Court,
St Joseph County, Indiana.
20. "Some Unexpected Health Hazards Associated with Cell
Tower Siting," Bill P. Curry, PhD., Cell Towers: Wireless
Convenience or Environmental Hazard? The Berkshire-Litchfield
Environmental Council, edited by B. Blake Levitt, 2000. See
chapter 6.
21. Practical Guidelines to Protect Human Health Against
Electromagnetic Radiation Emitted in Mobile Telephony, Summary
June 2001, Miguel Muntane Condeminas, industrial engineer for
Consulting Comunicacio i Disseny S.L, Barcelona,
<mailto:m.co-di@eic.ictnet.es>m.co-di@eic.ictnet.es. See Section
4.3.1 "US Embassy in Moscow Study."
22. See www.health-concerns.org and
<http://www.safewireless.org/>www.safewireless.org. These sites
provide a pathway to access Dr. Carlo's Mobil Telephone Health
Concerns Registry where people can report ill health effects
from living near microwave transmitters or from the use of
wireless devices.
23. "Electromagnetic Fields, (EMF) Killing Fields," Arthur
Firstenberg, The Ecologist, v. 34, n. 5, 6-10-2004.
24. "Study of the health of people living in the vicinity of
mobile phone base stations: I. influences of distance and sex,"
R. Santini et al, Institut National des Sciences
Appliquées"laboratoire de biochimie-pharmacologie, 2002.
25. "Cancer Risks from Microwaves Confirmed," Dr. Mae-Wan
Ho, Institute of Science in Society press release, 5-24-07.
26. "The Microwave Syndrome"a preliminary study in Spain,"
Navarro E. et al, Biology and Medicine, 22 (2 &3) 161-169, 2003;
also " The Microwave Syndrome"Further Aspects of a Spanish
Study," Oberfeld G et al 2004, International Conference
Proceedings, Kos, Greece 2004.
27. "Neurobehavioral Effects Among Inhabitants Around Mobile
Phone Base Stations," Abdel-Rassoul et al, Neurotoxicology,
28. "Increase of Cancer Near Cell-Phone Transmitter
Station," Wolf D. and Wolf, International Journal of Cancer
Prevention 1-2, April 2004.
29. "Two in Three Believe Radiation from Phones Damaged
their Health," Geoffrey Lean, 7-8-07 Independent on Sunday, U.K.
30. "Cancer Cluster at Phone Masts, " Times On Line, The
Sunday Times, UK 4-22-07.
31. Report by Roland Stabenow, 9-21-06, head of cancer
registry in Berlin.
32. "How Shall We Cope With the Increasing Amounts of
Airborne Radiation?" Olle Johansson, Journal of the Australasian
College of Environmental Medicine, Dec. 2006.
33. "Building Top Floors Closed After Brain Tumor Alert,"
Lisa Macnamara, The Australian, UK, 05-13-07. Read this report
at www.rense.com.
34. "Cancer Strikes 12 Female Staffers," Tony Koch,
Omega-News, 4-06-07.
35. "Swedes Hit Hard By WiMax, 6-12-06. This story says that
the Swedish media reported that in the town of Gotene, the
hospital emergency room was flooded with calls regarding
headaches, difficulty breathing, blurry vision and heart
problems upon WiMAX start-up. At least 5 people had to leave
their homes.
36. "How WiMAX Works," E. Grabianowski and M. Brain,
37. "250-foot Tower Raises New Bellevue Fears, John Hopkins,
Cheektowaga Times, 8-09-2007; See also "Congress Approves
Homeland Security Bill," Spencer Hsu, Washington Post 08-07-07.
38. Journal of Oncology Practice, Vol. 3, No. 2, March 2007:
39. Robert Becker, The Body Electric, 1986.