





The key to understanding how cesium works lies in the chemistry of a cancer cell. In 1925, German Nobel Laureate Dr. Otto Warburg published his ground-breaking paper establishing that cancer cells use a different form of chemistry to produce energy than normal cells do. In a healthy cell, oxygen can move freely across the cell membrane as can glucose. Oxygen is used in a healthy cell to “burn” glucose and create energy.

A healthy cell is surrounded by a membrane, which selectively allows materials to flow in and out. (This process is called respiration.) Oxygen and nutrients, such as glucose, flow in and the waste products of cellular chemistry flow out.  (Oxygen is used in a healthy cell to “burn” glucose and create energy.) The cells are protected by the immune system; and a well functioning immune system is the best defense against the formation of cancer cells. When environmental toxins (carcinogens) overwhelm the immune system the entire program is compromised. The cell membrane is affected first, losing its ability to exchange oxygen (respiration); the cell then reverts to a primitive survival mechanism - fermentation. The newly formed (anaerobic) cancer cell cannot be repaired (fermentation is not reversible), and the cell is now out of control and must be destroyed as rapidly as possible.

During the process of fermentation, the cancer cell produces lactic acid. It is the lactic acid produced through this process that causes the often intense pain associated with cancer.  Lactic acid also breaks down the DNA and RNA in a cell that modulates its growth. As a result, the cancer cell rapidly duplicates itself, growing out of control. The lactic acid also turns the cancer cell acidic. It is this fact that is of critical importance.

The reason it is so important is that fermentation can not take place in the alkaline environment characteristic of a healthy cell. 

The pH of a substance is measured on a scale ranging from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is considered neutral while numbers above 7 indicate a substance is alkaline and numbers below 7 indicate it is acidic. A healthy cell has a slightly alkaline pH of between 7.35 and 7.4 and is always maintained at this level by the body’s extensive buffering system. Since fermentation destroys the cell’s control mechanism, (i.e. DNA and RNA) the cancer cell, as a consequence of the lactic acid produced, grows acidic, resulting in a lower pH (initially around 6.5) than a healthy cell. The fermentation process cancer cells need to survive and multiply cannot take place in an alkaline environment. Therefore if it were possible to raise the pH of a cancer cell to make it alkaline, it could destroy the cell.

Initial efforts to develop a cancer therapy based on Warburg’s work focused on attempts to put the missing oxygen back in the cell. Methods attempted included the use of ozone and hydrogen peroxide. These efforts, however, failed because while the oxygen did enter the blood stream, it did not penetrate the cell.

Something else was needed. It was at this point that cesium entered the picture.

Cesium is a naturally occurring mineral with the atomic number 55 on the periodic table of elements. It is also nature’s most alkaline mineral. Cesium has been shown to affect the cancer cell two ways. First, Cesium limits the cellular uptake of the nutrient glucose… starving the cancer cell and diminishing fermentation. Second, Cesium raises the cell pH to the range of 8.0 neutralizing the weak lactic acid.

A brilliant physicist, A. Keith Brewer Ph.D., the former Director of the National Bureau of Standards Mass Spectroscopy Laboratory, discovered that cancer cells had an affinity for cesium. This fact is the reason that a radioactive isotope of cesium is commonly used as a “marker” to trace the movement of conventional chemotherapy drugs into a tumor. Introducing substantial amounts of cesium into the body, he reasoned, might cause a cancer cell to absorb enough to change its pH and disrupt the fermentation process it needed to stay alive.

After extensive testing, Brewer determined that cesium or rubidium, which is the next most alkaline mineral, could raise the pH of cancer cells. Ultimately he focused on cesium because it was the more alkaline of the two. The question, however, was how to get enough cesium into the cancer cell to change its pH. Brewer determined that there were a number of vitamins and minerals that greatly enhanced the absorption of these elements by malignant tissue. By administering these substances in conjunction with the cesium, the level of the mineral absorbed was sufficient to kill the cancer cell. This occurred because the cesium – now present in the cancer cell – proceeded to alkalize it. This happens to be the equivalent of oxygenating the cell, as there is a relationship between alkalinity and oxygenation. In practical terms, the cesium raises the pH of the “unprotected” cell to 8.0 at which level cell mitosis ceases and the life of the cell is at most a few days. This protocol became the basis for the “High pH Therapy.”


- see a sample protocol for cesium use here








Bio-available cesium to help alkalize your body.

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Special Note:  Cesium is known to deplete the potassium levels in our bodies.    It is imperative that a cesium protocol is accompanied by a potassium supplement. Cesium should be supplemented with at least 4 ounces potassium daily to 1 ounce cesium, to ensure maximum safety.



For more information on alternative cancer protocols, see this page.









