Sources for "Did you
American Lung Association
"Neighborhood Network's"
2002 Environmental Resource Directory for Home and Business
The Federal Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA)
Food and Drug
Administration (FDA); Census 2002
"Alternative Medicine:
The Ultimate Guide", Burton Goldberg
"Beating Cancer With
Nutrition", Patrick Quillin PHD
"The Optimum Nutrition
"The Cure for ALL
Diseases", PhD Hulda Clark
"The Cure for ALL
Advanced Cancers" PhD Hulda Clark
"The Complete Book of
Diet Drugs",
Steven Peinkin MD
"The New Millenium Diet
Keith Deorio
Robert Dursi
"Guess What Came to
Dinner", Gittleman, Ann Louise, Ph.D.
"Digestive Wellness",
Lipski, Elizabeth, M.S., C.C.N.
"Healing Digestive Disorders",
Gaeddert, Andrew
"Invisible Illnesses",
Gilbčre, Gloria, N.D., Ph.D.
"Take control of Your
Health", Hollingsworth, Elaine
"I was Poisoned by my Body",
Gilbčre, Gloria, N.D., Ph.D.