Brief Background on the Origin of Zero-Point Energy Theory
"Aether" was actually first introduced By Aristotle, at about (384-322 BC). Plato in his discussion with Timaeu, had uncovered the 5 platonic solids. The solids where actually an extension of the work done by Pythagoreans and primarily Thaetetus on the Golden Ratio. Plato combined the ideas of Empedocles that the four basic elements of matter were earth, fire, air, and water, and the ideas Democritus Abdera (Existence of Inivisible Particles "atomic theory").
Plato was able to conform a unifying Cosmological theory, but lacked a Fundamental Element. The absence of a Fundamental Element was not accepted by Plato's followers. Aristotle took the idea of Aether, to be this Fundamental Element. The material of heavenly bodies which permeated the entire universe to be the cosmic fifth essence ("quintessence").
This ensured that motion and change could occur. The solids: First come the basic structures (which we find at all times in chemical organization of elements with Hydrogen, grab a book and you will see).
This was the Tetrahedron perceived as the penetrating quality of Fire. The Cube was the Stable form of Earth. Air was the mobile appearance of the Octahedron. (which is also found in DNA). Water was to be the Multifaceted Icosahedrons. The Dodecahedron was assigned as the unifier used by god. (Salvador Dali's Painting uses the Dodecahedron in the background of his painting "Sacrament of the last Supper").
Most of these Solids were to have the Golden ratio (1.618…), an irrational number which is found in DNA, Galaxies, Perfect Spirals, etc…
Metatron's cube
(More on Metatron's Cube)
So the idea of Aether was actually 2500 years old, and probably more if we dared look into it."
- End Quote. * Bibliography: The Golden Ratio, Mario Livio(2002). Sebastian Giancaspro
"It was Rene Descartes, the French Mathematician and Philosopher who, perhaps for the first time in a scientific sense, assigned a reality to the medium of space as a property-less fluid-entity, already known at that time as ether. According to Descartes, large cosmic ether vortices existed throughout the universe. One such vortex carried the planets around the sun, and countless smaller vortices aggregated into different sizes of universal matter, filling the whole of space. He explained gravity by the pressure and impact of ether on bodies; and framed the principles of the inertial tendencies of matter for straight line motion based on the property of the fluidity of a space-substratum filled with ether vortices.
The transmission of the then known magnetic forces and the force of gravity between the earth and the planetary bodies found explanations in Cartesian philosophy with physical contacts between the interacting entities mediated by the intervening ether. The theory of Descartes at that time was the most convincing natural philosophy and was based on a single dynamic ether as the only reality of the universe. The theory remained in acceptance for almost a century after publication of Newton’s Principia." - End Quote -
"On the Space-Vortex Structure of the Electron"
Current Activity Regarding Zero-Point Energy Theory
In more recent days, one pioneer in the "free energy movement",
Dr. Thomas Valone, has done a critically needed comprehensive feasibility studied on ZPE showing the
scientific justification, devices, and measurable mainstream scientific methods for its detection.
Dr. Valone is currently president of his own non profit organization, who's goal is to bridge the gap of mainstream scientific lack of awareness, and to the wide spread acceptance of the existence of Zero Point Energy. Dr. Valone's study is the most comprehensive, ironclad study proving the existence of zero point energy.
Read more about the study below. (At Right, Dr. Valone speaking publicly about ZPE at the Tesla Tech conference.)
Technical Validity of Data:
The data used in this study can be presumed to be valid beyond a reasonable doubt. When zero-point energy was first "discovered" over a century ago, the validity of the data may have been questioned. However, after so much experimental agreement with theory has followed in the physics literature, it can be safely said that the data has stood the test of time.
Furthermore, in the past decade, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of journal publications on the subject of zero-point energy, demonstrating the timeliness and essential value of this study. Excluding any anomalous findings that have not been replicated or verified by other scientists, it can be presumed that the data presented in this feasibility study represents the highest quality that the scientific community can offer.
Despite this, the mainstream science academia has neither investigated nor accepted the significance of the ZPE field. The name “Zero-Point Energy” was given to matter whose temperature is lowered to absolute Zero and which consequently should exhibit no movement what’s so ever.
Although it does show movement.
The only possible explanation for this is that energy is flowing in from outside and is
non-thermal in nature. This has been observed at an absolute Zero-Point temperature, the incoming energy causing the movement was thus coined as the “Zero-Point Energy”.
This looks as if they contradict the Law of Conservation of Energy, but they don't, and you can see this when you take the zero-point energy field into account.
This energy has also been described as the ‘quantum vacuum of space’ (contained in what was thought to be empty space) and it has the potential of doing useful work in energy systems which are designed to tap this potential. These SUPPRESSED ZPE energy systems are often configured like an antenna and they form an “open” system which consequently is still subject to the Law of Thermodynamics which applies only to local closed thermal systems.
Zero Point Energy Open System
(The Tachyon Products Seen Here Are Such Devices.)
It has been suggested that these "zero point energy systems" become able to receive zero point energy by creating a low-pressure energy “sink” into which the high-pressure ZPE energy flows, thus creates extra energy gains.
Dr. Valone's Feasibility Study of Zero Point Energy
The aim of this study was to provide a clear understanding of the basic principles of the only known candidate for a limitless, fuel less source of power: zero-point energy. Another purpose is to look at the feasibility of various energy conversion methods that are realistically available to modern engineering. This
major feasibility study by Dr. Valone's Integrity Research Institute placed its emphasis on the practical potential for ZPE energy conversion, especially in view of recent advances in nanotechnology. With primary reference to the works of Casimir, Pinto, Mead and Milonni, key principles for the proposed extraction of energy for useful work are identified and analyzed.
These principles fall into the thermodynamic, fluidic, mechanical, and electromagnetic areas of primary, force-like quantities that apply to all energy systems. A search of ZPE literature reveals that these principles also apply to the quantum level.
Dr. Valone described the Casimir Effect, and how it can be used to tap ZPE. This is the slight attraction seen in metal plates when placed very close (atomic distances) to each other. The attraction can be shown to come from ZPE. Valone cites evidence that the ZPE is not conserved, and does not follow the normal laws of energy conservation. He also showed documented research that sometimes the Casimir Force is repulsive due to magnetic or thermal conditions. In some cases, the force changes sign as the temperature increased. This can lead to ways to manipulate and control ZPE.
In his presentation, Dr. Valone cited several mainstream science journals that are now publishing works by ZPE researchers (Some examples: Phys. Review Letters #92, 2004; Aviation Week March 1 2004; Science v. 299 issue 5608: 2003 p. 862.) He talked about Robert L. Forward’s early work proposing to extract energy from the Casimir Effect and how he made an electron storage battery instead. He said that now that we have the ability to work with nanotechnology, we have the tools to extract energy from the zero point field.
Valone also discussed toroidal EM fields. He said that a ZPE field loses its drag when the temperature nears 0ºK, according to Fronig's research. He also cited references that show that we can now explain how it is possible to extract useable energy from a single heat source (not from a temperature difference), which challenges the First Law of Thermodynamics.
Valone also talked about quantum coherence and micro laser cavities. He cited the works of Pinto (Phys Rev. B 60, 21, 1999 p. 4457) and how he was able to use a micro laser cavity to change the properties and increase the Casimir force – like turning on a light and getting a force out. He also spoke about the fluctuation driven electricity experiments by Crooks (Phys Rev. E. 60, 1999) where he is able to get motion from zero input force. He described this as like a “quantum ratchet”. The research by Linke in Science magazine was also cited. Valone described a report in the July 8, 2004 issue of Nature about how the “Dark Energy” of astronomy is ZPE, and is why the universe is accelerating.
He said that when he confronted astronomer Reba Goodman about this nomenclature, and that they are describing Zero Point Energy, Valone asked, "so why didn’t they just call it ZPE?". The astronomer replied that they “wanted to keep it vague”.
He said spectral density for ZPE is Plank’s 2nd radiation law, which has now been also measured in superconducting tunnel diode noise and reported in a journal article entitled "Has Dark Energy Been Measured in the Laboratory?"
Where superconducting circuits are concerned, it is interesting to point out that “Perpetual Motion Machines of the Third Kind,” as he put it, have been achieved with superconducting currents that won't stop, even after ten years of operating with no further energy input, such as those used in MRI machines.
Valone listed the following patents as the most significant in ZPE research: “Rectifying Thermal Electric Noise” by Charles Brown 3890161, and 4004210 by Yater; and 4704622 by Capasso, which actually acknowledges ZPE. He mentioned that metal-metal nanodiodes probably hold the key to ZPE usage with millipore sheets. He also cited the work of Yasamoto, et. Al. (2004, Science, 304:1944) covering peptide molecular photodiodes just 1 nm across -- another example of a molecular tool for studying this zero point energy that shows up on the molecular level. Dr Valone’s report makes one realize that experiments tapping ZPE are now starting to be researched and discussed by the respected scientific community’s peer-reviewed journals.
Another Patent of note is U.S. 3,890,161, a chip which absorbs heat directly while producing electrical power.
Tom Valone's technical lecture can be obtained for Educational purposes on Google video.
Integrity Research Institute: Of which Dr. Valone is President.
Related Works by Tom Valone: -
Feasibility Study of Zero-Point Energy Extraction from the Quantum Vacuum for the Performance of Useful Work - 2004 -
Inside Zero Point Energy - 1999 -
Zero Point Energy and the Future - 2003 -
Zero Point Energy: The Fuel of the Future! - 2005
Recommended reading for physicists by Thomas Valone, M.A., P.E. of the Integrity Research Institute
"Quote Zero-Point Energy Extraction from the Quantum Vacuum." (Tom's lecture on Zero point energy) This is Tom Valone's amazing video lecture Zero-Point Energy Extraction from the Quantum Vacuum (2004) where he gives a great overview of the various methods to extract free energy directly from the quantum vacuum to power our homes and machines.
The following is taken from the Free Energy News.
Thomas Valone Addressed the Extraordinary Technology conference in Salt Lake City on Friday, July 30, 2004, 2:30 pm dealing with the scientific literature on ZPE with emphasis on how molecular science is enabling the detection of ZPE. The following was taken from a review from the pure energy site which is another great introduction and informational reference for ZPE.
He discussed how the vacuum used to be considered empty, but now it has been shown that the vacuum contains an enormous amount of energy. Even when you remove all sources of energy and cool a region to very close to absolute zero (the zero point), there is useable energy present in abundance. He said that this is why Helium stays liquid at fractions of a degree Kelvin. Dr. Valone described an experiment by Koltick that shows the effect of virtual particle "dressing" that shrouds an electron.
The Quantum Vacuum text by Milonni, he says, estimates the ZPE energy density at 220 erg/cc in optical regions. These measurements were able to be made because of science’s ability to study matter at the nanoscopic level. He also reported that gravity and inertia are proven to be effects of ZPE, by none other than Dr. Hal Puthoff at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin. |
Another modern expert in the field of energy is
Dr. Steven Greer, Founder of "AERO". The Advanced Energy Research Organization, LLC is a research and development group formed to develop and strategically protect new energy and propulsion technologies. (Dr Greer addressing the national press about ZPE in 2001)
Dr. Greer has been quoted as saying: "ZPE can be tapped from crystalline structures where an electronic signal goes into a crystalline structure and the resonance of that crystal will then recruit energy from the zero point fields where more energy comes out then what you are putting in.
People say that is impossible, as that violates the second law of thermo dynamics, but it doesn’t, as the interpretation is that it is possible where the ZPE field is the bass line energy that is the substrate or the bass upon which all matter and energy forms are fluxing out of... what’s described as the quantum vacuum."
(The Tachyon Products Seen Here Are Such Devices.)
Another engineer who is actively involved in bridging the gap and providing education for utilization of zero point energy is
Dr. Thomas Beardon. Tom's patented device, the Motionless Electromagnetic Generator [M.E.G] utilizes the vacuum of space.
Tom Bearden disclosing scientific principles justifying the existence of ZPE on a documentary about free energy.
On this documentary investigating free energy, Tom, disclosed the same principles Dr. Valone mentions, being the Casimir effect and the lamb shift, as being the justification or scientific process able to measure and detect the existence of ZPE. Author -
Energy from the Vacuum
Sample Devices That Run on Zero Point Energy
A working device (a spinning motor) is shown (center) by alternative energy researcher John Hutchison using a crystalline substance (the shake and bake method) as described by Greer.
Quote from Hutchison: "This is a crystalline converter unit I made to see if the principle worked or not the principles involve the Casimir effect, space charge, a type of barrier effect used in semi conductors and a jitter activity referred to as zero point energy that goes through time and space. The idea is to get the material in the contraption to interface with the jittering action or resonance of zero point energy... the structure is made form common crystalline minerals."
The version that John showed was made of rhodium plated polarized quartz discs bound together with a long bolt. There are also some different types of discs between. The array has been taped to a rigid spine holding it straight. "It gives 18 volts and a quarter amp. Tom Bearden instructed me how to do the metal plating on quartz discs."
John connects battery leads to a LED. Then he starts tapping, bending and hitting the battery in a way only he masters as the builder of the experimental power source. After a while the battery comes into life and lights the red LED.
The LED is connected to the battery without series resistor so the idle voltage stated as 18 volts apparently drops down to the red LED operating voltage of some two volts with load connected. "I sold a 55,000 volt type made to Japan. It was very well made. The owner is now showing it to an audience".
Another type of John's batteries is the Electric Crystal which has been baked from natural minerals.
"I like this one - it is so easy to make and the materials are dirt cheap. I have made honeycombs with 1 cc of material in each cell to give more voltage and current. Good ones that I sold for $35,000 USD gave 3 volts and one amp. ... "Now I would rather get these batteries out of my hands to concentrate on further experiments with the Hutchison Effect", he states.
Source |
Hutchison's method draws a striking resemblance to the research Laboratory for Vacuum energy process. The Research Laboratory for Vacuum energy devotes its research to a method, which may enable us to use the energy inherent in the quantum vacuum as an energy source. They have a similar battery process.
A Few
Notable Quotes
"There manifests itself in the fully developed being - Man - a desire mysterious, inscrutable and irresistible: to imitate nature, to create, to work himself the wonders he perceives.... Long ago he recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasa or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance." - End quote Nikola Tesla May 13, 1907.
"The Zero Point Energy is the primordial energy in our Universe. Physically it can be expressed by the product of the density of the fluidum continuum (FC) and the square of the speed of light. This energy per unit of volume of space is much greater than either fission or fusion energy between atomic particles. The ZPE extraction technologies listed here just take a minute part of the ZPE from the location where the extraction equipment is placed. The ZPE is for free (other than for the investment in equipment) and is inexhaustible." End quote -
Arie M. DeGeus
"The greatest error of science is in relation to space. Science thinks of space either as a void or as an ether through which solids of matter travel. The fact is that space travels with its solids, for each solid is surrounded by a minus zero equal-and-opposite vacuity of the plus zero which we call matter.
Matter floats in these insulating spatial counterparts. Positive electricity is accountable for the solids and negative electricity is accountable for the space. All matter comes out of space by the action of positive electricity and is returned to space by the action of negative electricity. White-hot suns come from the blackness of cold space and cold space radiates from hot suns. The matter of space consists of holes surrounded by corpuscular solids, while the matter of solids consists of small dense cores surrounded by vast tenuous holes of space.
The very purpose of the hot suns is to act as crucibles for melting the raw materials which the Creator needs for expressing the idea of the universe. Contrarily, the very purpose of space is to cool the melted matter set out in order that it may become conditioned for the complex expressions ofCreation. The two-way interchange between spatial holes and material solids is continuous."
Walter Russell
"Empty vacuum - pure "emptiness", so to speak - is filled with rivers and oceans of seething energy, just as Nikola Tesla pointed out. It is running off the fact that vacuum space-time itself is nothing but pure mass-less charge. That is, vacuum has a very high electrostatic scalar potential - it is greatly stressed. To usefully tap the enormous locked-in energy of that stress, all one has to do is crack it sharply and tap the vacuum oscillations that result. The best way to do that is to hit something resonant that is imbedded in the vacuum, then tap the resonant stress of the ringing of the vacuum itself. In other words, we can ring something at its resonant frequency and, if that something is imbedded in the vacuum, we can tap off the resonance in vacuum stress, without tapping energy directly from the embedded system we rang into oscillation. So what we really need is something that is deeply imbedded in the vacuum, that is, something that can translate "vacuum" movement to "mass" movement."
-John Bedini
"'Energy' cannot be created nor destroyed - it exists throughout space and within matter. 'Zero-Point Energy' (ZPE) is known as an energy that fills the fabric of all space. Technically the ZPE results from an electric flux that flows orthogonally to our perceived dimension or reality.
The mass equivalence of this energy has been calculated by physicists to be on the order of 10^93 gms/cm3 gms/cm3. Henry T. Moray, Walter Russell, and Nicola Tesla described the nature of the ZPE and designed and built equipment to engineer its properties. Devices that cohere this energy result in a non-polluting, unlimited supply of virtually free energy." - book
“I have tapped a great new source of energy. A device which disintegrated the Etheric force (Orgone) that controls the atomic constitution of matter”. John Keely - 1871
[Notice again the reference to disintegrating the prime substance.
Wilhelm_Reich hinted at the same process. In ‘Cosmic Superimposition’, Reich showed that Orgone [ether] streams, when meeting under certain conditions and angles, give rise to or result in the creation of matter.]
(Lamb Shift: A shift (increase) in the energy levels of an atom, regarded as a Stark effect, due to the presence of the zero-point field. Its explanation marked the beginning of modern quantum electrodynamics. The “quantization of the harmonic oscillator” is all that is required to reveal the existence of the zero-point ground state energy. Ubiquitous zero-point energy is known to exist. )
The apparent discrepancy in the understanding of the concepts behind ZPE comes from the fact that ZPE evolves from classical electrodynamics theory and from quantum mechanics. For example, Dr. Frank Mead (US Patent #5,590,031) calls it "zero point electromagnetic radiation energy" following the tradition of Timothy Boyer who simply added a randomizing parameter to classical ZPE theory thus inventing “stochastic electrodynamics” (SED).
Lamoreaux, on the other hand, refers to it as "a flux of virtual particles", because the particles that react and create some of this energy are popping out of the vacuum and going back in.
The New York Times called it "quantum foam."
Dr. Robert Forward refers to ZPE as "quantum mechanical zero point oscillations".
The future challenge for scientists and engineers is not so much in developing these ZPE-based products, as it is in agreeing on the terminologies that they will use to discuss the process. In the world of ‘quarks’ and ‘quanta’ these specialists will have to first work on building a more common scientific vocabulary.
Zero Point Energy
- Is it being kept from the public?
Conspiracies to Keep ZPE from the Public?
"Research shows that over the past 75 years a number of significant breakthroughs in energy generation and propulsion have occurred that have been systematically suppressed. Since the time of Tesla, T. Townsend Brown and others in the early and mid-twentieth century we have had the technological ability to replace fossil fuel, internal combustion and nuclear power generating systems with advanced non-polluting electromagnetic and electro-gravity systems that extract energy from the so-called Quantum vacuum.
The literature is replete with well-documented technologies that have surfaced, only to later be illegally seized or suppressed through systematic abuses of the national security state, large corporate and financial interests, or other shadowy concerns."
Steven M. Greer MD, Co- founder of
The Orion Project
The following is only a brief introduction to the zero point energy and the cover-ups that take place. This information is currently only available and disclosed to the public via the internet and particular publicly unknown annual energy conferences.
ZPE has already been described to the world press in the Disclosure Project in 2001 by ex-government contractors. These insiders worked on classified, and now suppressed, electro propulsive devices (anti-gravity) for the American and corporate controlled government.
Electric companies, gas heating companies and oil companies would lose half or more of their profits with free energy available. Therefore, these companies then donate millions of dollars to governments (bribing them) to make sure that free energy devices stay out of the public market. Other tactics and means of suppression include: buying the patent of the free energy device from the inventor only to 'shelve' the invention and prevent the device from coming to market, frivolously suing the inventor or patent holder until capital resources run out, denial of patents and intellectual property protection by systematic action by the US and other patent offices. Seizure or suppression of the technology by the illegal application of section 181 of the US Patent law or other illegal applications of national security provisions that result in the technology being classified or deemed "of significance to the national security". Even murdering the inventor in some cases
Abuses by other regulatory or licensing entities, including but not limited to rogue elements within the Department of Defense, CIA, NSA, Federal Trade Commission, Department of Energy and others. Targeting the inventor or company with financial scams, illegal financial arrangements that lead to the demise of the company, and similar traps. Systematic interception of funds and essential financial support needed to develop and put into mass application such a fundamental new energy source.
It is of special importance that these documented facts of past and present FREE energy suppression cases are disclosed in detail to the public. The SYSTEM is the problem here and this system must be understood and reformed.
Disclosure Project
"Scientific establishment prejudice and rejection of the technology in light of unconventional electromagnetic effects thought to be not possible by current scientific conventional wisdom. Corruption of scientific entities and leaders through clandestine liaisons with rogue classified or shadowy private projects that intend to suppress such devices. Corruption of major media entities and key figures through clandestine liaisons with rogue classified or private shadowy projects that intend to suppress such devices." -
The Orion Project
Despite being disclosed at the national press club, the world's press never followed up by directing public attention to the disclosure project's EVIDENCE, or by presenting FURTHER details to the EXISTENCE of ZPE to the public.
There is evidence presented in the FREE energy suppression section detailing information by the Disclosure Project proving that the American military has had prior knowledge of zero point energy devices, and is keeping this knowledge and technology from the public.
The Disclosure projects evidence is justified by over 500 insiders/witnesses who describe the American military industrial complex involvement, knowledge and suppression of zero point energy technology.
This EVIDENCE is enough motivation for ACTION by the public to further lobby for a GLOBAL congressional SEARCH warrant at the FEDERAL LEVEL to uncover this technology. And to further prosecute those motivated by an obvious deliberate corporate profit motive and responsible for the FREE energy suppression.
For more detail into this issue please consult the Disclosure Project website and sign up with your support. Zero point energy is intended to be educated and studied in the faculty section of the proposed granted Panacea research and development center. All results are to be preserved for faculty knowledge under open house for public security.
The content presented on these sites profile reports of corporate mainstream media suppression of alternative FREE energy devices and mainstream science’s lack of awareness, understanding and investigation of them. As a result, there is a good deal of information and a considerable number of devices which use the ZPE energy-transformation principles, which the general public are not be aware of.
The majority of the principles used in these devices have been described in the annually held energy conferences. These energy transformation principles have been investigated and replicated and are currently held in some proprietary inventors devices (but non publicly disseminated) from around the world.
However, consumer demand and awareness of these energy systems is non-existent, due to suppression, ignorance of the medium by faculties, and the engineer's mistakes.
A detailed digest of these energy-transformation
principles, inventors, patents and devices can be
seen here.
The engineers working with these energy-transformation principles all collectively agree that a universal energy field exists. These engineers rationalize that they can tap into this field using the device and further that this field is understood to be the “ETHERIC”, "AETHER", "Aethyr" or the “ZERO-POINT ENERGY” (ZPE) field. (The existence of this field was observed centuries ago by the Greeks who called it 'Aether'.)
"ZPE technologies will stop subjugation and heal the planet. ZPE is a public Panacea, but must be in the hands of the public and governed by the public, WE MUST DECIDE FOR OURSELVES WHAT IS IN OUR BEST INTEREST." -
Panacea is a nonprofit operation dedicated to the exposing ZPE to the world, by helping to expose these cover-ups and by developing a SINGLE research and development center dedicated to studying ZPE and developing technologies that will allow us to safely tap into the FREE energy source.
Public grants pledged to consolidate and contract engineers for this very purpose are helping to bridge the gap of suppression, and ensure production. YOU the public, aid agencies and 'scientific' circles can and must apply resources for this technology to reach the public. If you are a philanthropic group or faculty who can help, please contact Panacea
Panacea needs grants to establish YOUR PUBLIC research and development center so that finally engineers from around the world who are experienced in this medium can disclose an open source working PURE CLEAN FREE ENERGY ZPE system for house and transport use.
This is the pledged goal of the non-profit organization's proposed granted research and development center. Once established public grants will be put forth to publicly disclose, educate and manufacture an OPEN SOURCE ZPE system.
Click here to access further research manuals on ZPE located at the Panacea on line university.
"These professional videos were prepared by the Disclosure Project, headed by Dr. Steven Greer, and were underwritten with sizeable funds for high-quality production. They were prepared to serve as testimony that will stand up in court.
They document the fact, both that there are viable new energy technologies which could rid us of our dependence on polluting fossil fuels, and that there have been active efforts in suppressing these. Explosively, these videos reveal names and tactics of this Luddite resistance against scientific progress."
Open Source Energy Network (You will have to register to enter this site.)
Note: the
Open Source Energy Network web site has recently and
mysteriously "disappeared"! HHMMMMM...?? |
We bring this information to you with the simple intentions of
making more and more people aware of the existence of the free
energy source known as Zero Point Energy, to hopefully spur people
into action through donations to research groups and/or information sharing... and of
course to tell you that YOU can take advantage of this amazing "God
particle" energy as it relates to your health.
The Tachyon Products Seen Here Are Such Devices,
and have been proven to aid the body's healing process and also to
protect our bodies from damaging "EMF" radiation poisoning given off
by today's "modern" electrical gadgetry. (cell phones, tv,
radio, computers, house wiring, electrical power lines, home
appliances, games, and more!)
See more about
Electro-Magnet Frequency poisoning here.
Zero Point Energy